Thursday 20 January 2011

25 Word Pitch: Feedback

I recieved 5 comments off other members of the class, they all said similar things:
- 'I rather like your close-up idea...'
- 'I think you need to represent that it is a fashion and music magazine...'

- '...unsual aspect to it'

I have taken this feedback and tried to use it to my best advantage, I am making the title of the magazine revolve around music to ensure that the genre of the magazine is obviously music. I am still unsure on the title however as 'Rewind' could sound too technological and modern for my acoustic-style music magazine; I will continue looking for the perfect name. As my magazine revolves around music and fashion I will tie in the fashion on the double page spread and contents pages, this will make sure the audience know what's included after flicking open the first page. As for the title font I will keep the idea of a neutral colour against the brighter, bolder background colours, one person mentioned they liked this idea and others said it was unique.

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