Wednesday 2 February 2011

Golden Triangles + Spiral

I looked into the spiral shape of an image and realised it worked with one of my test shots so I tried to show this through Photoshop, I have drawn on a spiral shape showing the movement of the eye as it looks at the picture. Typically the eye could start at either end of the spiral in this case as both ends have a similar colour scheme and inbetween the colours blend together. I think this works really well on magazines as it causes the reader to visually take in the picture if there's a particular system to it. I may use this on my double page spread as I would like the images to stretch across two pages and doing this could create the effect in a more obvious way.

I also tried looking at the rule of thirds in images splitting it up into three parts; in this example one third is the face of the model, the second is the strings of the guitar and her hand and the third is mostly an empty space. These are the three sections of the image, they all have a slightly different colour scheme but without the triangles they all blend together well. I might use this technique on my front cover having the image in one third, the second being the text and the final third being an open space as this is appealing on a front cover.

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